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Black Holes 

What Is a Black Hole?

To be quite blunt, a black hole is a naturaly spawned quantum sigularity thats gravitation pull is so great, even light can not escape. These objects are common through out the cosmos, and are most resposible for the formation of galaxies. Black hole are just "stuff" that is extremly dense and packed so tightly the gravitational pull is insane. Black holes "eat" every thing, from gas to smaller black holes. Once you get the event horizon, there is no going back, not even for light. Above that point it is hard but possible to escape a black hole. There is also somthing called the accretion disk. This area is where gas and dust is orbiting super fast around the black hole and thus creating light because of the heat. This phenomena is known as a quasar. Quasars are the brightest thing know (ironic how the darkest thing in the universe gives birth to the brightest). There is also the photosphere, the point in which light orbits the black hole. If your eyes recived this light you could theoredicly see everything in the known universe!


There is much more to be learned, we have only scrached the suface of the these wired but awesome phenomena!





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